Monday, April 8, 2013

Cardiac Nurse Testifies

We met Cynthia, a 75 year old retired cardiac nurse and missionary with RaphaEl ministries, for the first time this summer when she became a supporter of B4P nurse education program in Uganda. "I think it is a worthwhile thing to do," she said. Ed and I were very moved by her generosity, as were the recipients of the scholarships and their extended families. Not long after, warning signs surfaced for Cynthia. We received a message from our friend Scott of RaphaEl Ministries. Cynthia was hospitalized. Immediately B4P joined in the prayer from New York to Africa where she is known for her generosity. We heard she was released with a good report, but the details came when Cynthia told her story at the B4P prayer breakfast.
At 40 years of age, Cynthia had 3 major heart vessels 85% closed. She had undergone several medical procedures. In the garden this summer, suddenly she could hardly breathe. She went to the hospital. She was lying on the table looking at her own scan, which she could read herself. She said,"...the scan on the screen was clean. The vessels were open. That's not possible! " The doctor came in, questioned her about her history and said, "Absolutely amazing." A good description of Jesus our miracle working God.

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