Friday, January 13, 2012

God of Possibilities

Cathy was scheduled for surgery to remove an abscessed gland. The "pain from the abscess was excruciating." In the month of December she received "high-powered antibiotics…intravenously…then…oral antibiotics. Cathy's husband emailed Bridge for Peace for prayer.

Before her surgery "Cathy was required to sign a release so that her doctor could remove the gland where the painful abscess was located." While Cathy was in the recovery room the doctor brought amazing news. She said the abscess had disappeared and "…since the abscess had disappeared, it was not necessary to remove the gland."

Cathy asked the doctor, "How did the abscess disappear?"

The doctor replied, "I don't know. It might have been the medicine."

Cathy said, "I know how the abscess disappeared—it was God!"

The doctor responded, "Well, that is a possibility." Praise to our God of Possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jesus for new DNA. Not subject to our genes! Alleluia!
