Friday, May 31, 2013

Intercontinental Reunion

Ed and I flew all night eager to see dawn in Entebbe,Uganda and our African B4P team. Wheeling out of arrivals, my heart pounded with excitement. It had been fifteen months since we last saw the beloved faces I eagerly watched for now. The smell of rain hung in the air, the equatorial white light momentarily blinded us, even in the morning hour. Then Fr. Peter, Stella, Augustine, Nelson, Sylvester, John and one who we nicknamed "The Ambassador" descended on us like a football team, tackling us with hugs and kisses. Laughter rang out, pure joy. As we rolled the luggage to the cars we laughed for no reason, except that we were happy.


A few more hours and the first wave team would arrive - B4P Australian missionaries serving Uganda for three weeks. (The second wave team from America would land in another week). Double pleasure was ours as we waited for the next reunion - the arrival of our amazing B4P family in God from Australia. After leaving our NY home at 3a.m., and traveling for twenty hours, one would imagine we would be exhausted, but joy gives overcoming power to those who love deeply. Can you imagine our heavenly reunion, meeting Jesus Christ and those we love who have preceded us into the heavenly places? May the joy that accompanies that thought keep us going for God and determined through Him to finish well.

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